Sunday, September 27, 2009

Now That's REALLY Secret....

Tonight, after seeing the local paper, I had one of those moments where I'm pretty sure a fuse blew somewhere in my brain. It was just one of those moments of a bizzare juxtaposition that you never could have come up with on your own. The local Mason lodge is having an open house. Now, for those of you who didn't quite get that, I'll repeat it a little slower. The Masons. Are having. An open house. WH-WH-WH-WH-WHAT!?!?! One of the most secretive and influential groups on the face of this planet (and several others) is having an open house?? Is that the grand master plan for making everyone in the world one of them-punch and cookies?? 'No, forget global domination of the currency supply, Most Exaulted Grand Poo-Bah, I think we should really be working the Oreo and Hi-C angle.' These are the folks who sit at the second to left tentacle of god, and now they're having an open house? Something isn't right here....

1 comment:

Dee Dee said...

you are going right?