*Turns out I missed seeing BMG lighting the Las Vegas city Christmas tree on GMA this AM. Guess that's what I get for not being more vigilant about checking my FB notifications.
*First bits of wispy dry snow came down overnight, and some of it is still hanging around. Guess that means I can't deny the fact that winter is here. The weather guys are saying a 6-12" snow could be on the way next week. That means I need to make sure I have gas for the thrower so I can see if it starts. And runs. I also need to get all the demolition trash out of the garage so Pinklady can get her car in there.
*I can't deny that I have probably talked to people on the phone while using the bathroom. However, unlike the guy in the employee locker room this afternoon, I have never talked to someone on the phone while taking a thunderously loud pee in a restroom that is nothing more than one big echo chamber.
*I was going to try and have a game gathering yesterday, but opted not to, as the forecasters were calling for some nasty weather and my intent to get a lot of piddly stuff done around the house, neither one of which actually materialized. So, I'm going to try again and shoot for next Tuesday, which is also supposed to be a beastly weather day. I put the notice up on the DRG message board today, and we'll see if I get any responses. My first post garnered all of 2 responses, even though it was been viewed quite a few times. I really am starting to think that the number of people out there who actually play games anymore is quite a bit fewer than the small number I had already thought it to be.
*Our bird feeder is being frequented by a small woodpecker, as well as various other assorted small birds. I saw another feeder I liked in a catalog that would seem to be able to keep the squirrels at bay. Thinking about getting another one just because it's nice to be able to see some signs of life outside when the weather is cold. Plus, Lucy really enjoys eating all the seed that the birds spill. I know it's weird. I just look at as her way of getting some fiber in her diet.
*When a cold makes the wife miserable, it makes me miserable as well.
*Seriously, how could someone in my general age demographic NOT know who Bob and Doug McKenzie are?? That could also very well mean I'm the only one left who remembers Sniglets...
* "Funny People"
Another listing in Adam Sandler's smallish listing of semi-serious film work. I enjoyed it for the most part, but Pinklady said that it reminded her of a male version of "Beaches". As I have no basis to evaluate that comparison, I had to take her word for it. I was also surprised that it clocked in at 2 hours and 15 minutes long. Given the choice, though, I still prefer "Spanglish".
*Have I recently mentioned my fondness of coffee?
*OK, I had to go to the Dr's office this morning. I had an 1100 appointment, so I was there about 10 till. While I'm sitting there waiting, this woman comes in and apparently she had the 1030 appointment, but was late because she said she had a phone call from Sweden or Holland, or something like that. My logic is, she missed her appointment, so she could work in where they could fit her. I was on time, and waiting, so I get my appointment on time. Right? Nope! She gets to go in first, and I got an hour tacked onto my wait time for an appointment that took less than 10 minutes once the doc got into the room. Am I wrong in giving that situation a big huge WTF?
Friday, December 4, 2009
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