*I am still not sure what possessed me to climb up on an ice and snow covered roof Thursday. In spite of that monstrous display of stupidity, I made it back down without a rapid, unexpected assist from gravity.
*All hail the return of Bluegirl!
*Having a new Fire Mountain catalog means I should probably put the credit card where I can't easily get to it. Even though I have yet to inventory what I have left over from my craft fair days, I've already got quite a list going of components I want to try to integrate into my tiki carvings.
*I don't know if it's a good thing or not that I looked at the desk calendar yesterday. I saw a note there that said it was time for me to switch projects in order to have both reworked in time for the TAILS event next month. I wouldn't have minded so much if I hadn't spent the past few days basically doing nothing on either piece. Now I feel like I'm under the gun, even though the time not spent working on either pieces is completely my fault. I could just leave Stumpy in the state he's in and concentrate all my efforts on the other piece. Not quite sure what I want to do, but whichever way I go, my time is going to run out real soon. And in the meantime, that Osage orange log is getting drier and harder to work with. Even with really sharp chisels push carving is just about impossible, at least without making my hand go numb. So, the material may end up telling me when the piece is done instead of my artistic vision. Anyway, no matter how you slice it, I got 7 days left to pull this off.
*It does have an input for my IPod. It also has a remote control. I have no idea why it needs a remote control, but I was assured by the installer guy that it was a good thing.
*Turns out the SIL will be joining us on Saturday morning. Good thing the Boss and I tend to wander separately while we're at these things. Should help me keep my comments civil. And, even though I shouldn't, I'm already compiling a list of things I want to find at the flea market. Tiki stuff, of course is at the top of the list. It would be mice to find a few more HeroScape sets, but beyond that, I can't think of anything in particular that I'm looking for as far as games go. Pin-up art is something I'm hoping to find. Bettie Page pin-up art would be even better. A Keebler tree house cookie jar would be nice. And if I ever see that coffin lid mirror again, I will definitely be buying that.
*While it may be considered rude to torment someone while they're on the phone, it can also be quite amusing. It should be noted that in this situation that the term 'torment' has a highly variable and interpretive definition.
*Another foot of snow on the way next week?? Damn groundhog...
*Best new slogan of the week: "Sex first, then guacamole."
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