*While I think the deck could support 8 players, the pace of the game seemed to bog down with 6.
*Spent a nice couple of days in Chicago last weekend. The Palmer House was pretty nice, but in the rooms, it's starting to show it's age. I get the history and such that's wrapped up in the place, so I guess the reason for the cost was the location. Beyond that, I wasn't horribly impressed. Got to see the new Eye sculpture, which was kinda cool. I'm betting that it looks even cooler from the L. Made my first trip in to Millennium Park, so I got to see the "Bean" up close and personal. The giant water spitting fountain thing I didn't quite get. Buckingham fountain was neat, if not strangely devoid of sightseers. I also discovered that it's a good thing that there isn't a Blick's Art Supply store anywhere near me. I also managed to confirm that the slow death of the shopping mall is a nearly universal phenomenon. Had a lot fun going out to Trader Vic's with Dave and Coalbe, and only managed to pick up a slight hangover from that expedition. The cab that we took to get there smelled ever so slightly of vomit, and the cab we took home was driven by one of the funniest cabbies I can recall ever having. Saturday was grey and cool, and it rained on us like crazy while we were standing outside the Art Institute waiting to get in. Got to check out their new wing and see some really neat art and have some pretty good lunch, even if it was a task trying to get to the restaurant. Met a nice bulldog while taking our elevator back to our room, then spent some time just lounging around the lobby of the hotel, waiting until we hit our time window for heading out to the Chef. When we got out there, it was great to enjoy good company, good music, and good beverages with our FOM friends. Until Sheri popped a migraine, which called an end to the evening's festivities. Beyond that, it was a fun, if expensive, weekend.
*Finally got that nice old flask I picked up at the flea market cleaned out. So, now all I need to do is figure out what to load it up with. And maybe find a funnel.
*The SIL and family were in town last night and will be coming back through on Sunday. Not any real big deal in my book, except that it did let me get some 6 person playtesting in. I also managed to figure out that the SIL is the closest thing I think I will get to having a drunk test subject, even though she's stone sober. At least I think she is. Hard to tell most of the time.
*Got a flyer in the mail from DeKalb Lawn and Garden the other day advertising snowblower tune-ups, even though I am in need of mowing the yard. But why the heck not? The stores already have Giftmas stuff out.
*Looks like I may be hosting a H'ween gathering of sorts after all. Not like I don't have enough on my plate right now, I might as well throw some party planning on top of everything else. But, as long as I keep it casualish, Sheri has given it the green light. Not sure if I want to commit to doing it or not. We'll see what comes of the appointment I have on Monday first.
*October 4th. That's when my boss at work will start accepting vacation requests for 2011. Yup, you heard that right. It's September, 2010, and if I don't want to get locked out of some particular time that I'd like to have off next year, I need to figure out my entire schedule for 2011. Right now. Maybe I should just go ahead and do 2012 while I'm at it.
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