Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sir Gribblefribbitz, the Exceedingly Nauseous

*Here's an interesting question: What happens if a mosquito bites a zombie, and then bites another non-zombie right afterwards? To me, the question sounded rather odd, but it rather quickly changed into one of those facepalm 'why didn't I think of that??' moments. Regardless, that's the basic premise of a movie called, appropriately enough, "A Little Bit Zombie". After watching enough episodes of "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil", I don't know why I would be surprised that the Canadians are capable of such entertaining horcomgore. Anyway, besides the interesting premise, the movie is notable for liberal and near excessive use of drool, some of the worst brain puns ever, a complete and total anatomic disregard for the actual scale of various brains, one of the best puking scenes since Monty Python, and the greatest product placement for something you thought couldn't be real but is: Tactical Bacon (available online!!). So, if you're in the mood for a bit of over the top horcomgore, check out both "A Little Bit Zombie" and "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil". Both are available as Netflix instant view selections.

*Not having to use any sort of snow removal equipment until December 29th makes for a pretty good start to winter in Illinois, in my book. On the other hand, not realizing just how badly iced over your car is when you're already running late for work is not so good in my book.

*How was I supposed to know the name of the dragon was Steve when I haven't seen the commercial??

*A movie we had first thought was going to be a copy of "I Sell the Dead" proved to have a little more going for it than we first thought. While both movies deal with the same topic, and are set in the same time period, one has zombies, and the other is based on a true story. "Burke & Hare" tells an abbreviated version of how two 19th century Irish laborers in Scotland turn to lives of crime when they find out just how much local medical colleges are willing to pay for fresh cadavers to dissect.  Simon Pegg stars in the just gruesome enough telling of this true story, and Tim Curry also puts in a good performance as one of the doctors competing for the supply of cadavers. It might be worth you while to watch "Burke & Hare" and then "I Sell the Dead" just to get differing perspectives on this rather....interesting....period of medical history. Plus, there are numerous non-fiction books on the exploits of these two 'businessmen'.

*I need to get on the horn in the next couple of days and get some overdue phone calls made. Plus, I should give the Texans a holler and see what they're up to on New Year's Day.

*For me, Will Ferrell movies are pretty much the same (with "Stranger Than Fiction" being a notable standout). Not that I don't enjoy them, but the caricature of a stereotype that tends to define his characters is fairly constant. "The Campaign" with Zach Galafianakis is no exception. It's not satire, it's not a thoughtful send-up, it's a comedy that uses politics as a setting. It's not bad. I got some good laughs, and that's about all I expected out of it.

*OK, so I went to Menard's and bought a replacement fixture for the closet when all I actually needed to do was screw in the light bulb all the way. And I bought a cord for a light socket that could not be disassembled to have a cord added to it. And I didn't realize that the other closet light was a two prong CFL instead of a standard bulb. Geez. What am I supposed to do, check all that stuff BEFORE I go to the store??

*Seems like there's a whole lot more truncated MP3 files in my music library than I had previously thought. Kinda annoying.

*This is the time of year when everyone on the planet is doing their "best of 2012" lists. I just happened to grab the entertainment section of the local paper, and there were three columnists, each giving their own list of the top ten albums of the year. Now, I freely admit to not having any knowledge of, nor interest in, pop music, but I was a bit surprised when I glanced over this article and realized that I only had heard of two of the artists listed. Given, there was some degree of overlap in the choices made, so you could easily say that there were 25 different artists represented on the list. But still, 2 out of 25 isn't a very good ratio, as far as common knowledge goes. That line of thought lead me to another. If I were to pick up a current album by Weird Al, without any previous knowledge of his career, I would have to conclude that he was just a writer of comedy songs, since I would have no insight as to what current music he was parodying. I'm not sure if that would make me like him more, or less.

*Alcohol was a wonderful discovery for me. I'd have a couple of drinks, and I could step out of my shell and be the life of the party. Until I almost invariably wound up passed out on the floor. Which was not really the freedom I thought it was. There was never any real reason that I couldn't have been the life of the party without booze. It was a lot of conditioning that lead me to believe, and fear, that. It was just easier to use the booze route than to go through all the stress and work of tearing apart all those negative things I had let myself believe, and fear. A lot of those things are still present, and in need of demolition. But the task is monumental, success isn't guaranteed, and the thought of being free of those restrictive, yet familiar, things is scary. Why not just continue crafting this tiny bubble of perfected control? Well, to start with, it's tiny. There isn't really room for other people in that bubble. "King Nothing" by Metallica springs to mind when I think about that. So, I don't want to be limited that way, but at the same time, I'm afraid of what might happen if I'm not in control. But, of course, the whole idea that I am in control is ridiculous when you put it into any sort of realistic perspective. So what do I do? Guess that's the part I'm still trying to figure out.


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