Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Window Shopping Sucks...

=After a less than wonderful Monday, the last thing I wanted to do on Tuesday was to get up unreasonably early and go to the hospital. But that's exactly what I did. Damn alarm rang at 0630, and by 0730 we had stumbled our way through the early morning chill to find ourselves seated glumly in the day surgery waiting room with the MIL. I am not a morning person. Never have been and never really wanted to be. Force me to get up early, couple that with asking me to do something I really don't want to do, and I become a fairly unpleasant person to be around. I managed to keep a lid on the unpleasantness today, mostly because I was too tired to be snippy. I also had the good sense to realize that no good could come of being difficult when the FIL is looking at getting a stent. In the end, he wound up with two in the same artery, and I was back home and in bed by 1030. He's doing well (if you don't count the pieces of metal near his heart) and should be discharged tomorrow. I'm still somewhat groggy and looking down the barrel of another less than pleasant evening at work.

=We took some time Monday after lunch to go look at a house M1 had thought we might be interested in. Mostly because we're both thinking that the new high school complex that's going in will be most detrimental to the overall quality of the neighborhood. Since we have a couple of years, it doesn't hurt to look. Anyway, after we had seen the property, were headed back to DeKalb on 23 when off of a side road this truck comes flying across both lanes of traffic. This was maybe 100 yards in front of us and we were moving at highway speed. This guy shot across the road, bounced through the ditch, and came to rest at the edge of a cornfield. It took us all a couple of seconds to comprehend what had just occurred, and a couple of more to realize that if we had been moving just a tad faster, he would have smashed right through us. The driver of the truck (which was piled high with forms for concrete) managed to miss the safety rail, the utility pole, and the road sign, only clipped 1 of four guide lines, stayed upright and came to rest on all four wheels. For as fast as he was going, he was one lucky fucker. He had lost his brakes and couldn't stop. So he was heading west, probably around 50-60 mph, and the two lanes of N-S traffic he crossed were moving at the same speed, if not faster. That would have been one hell of an impact. And probably fatal.

=The next game night is in the planning stages. Since Cromag is heading up this weekend, I was going to see if he wanted to have me get an Ameritrash scramble together for Saturday or Sunday night. Otherwise, I think I'm going to target the 16th of October. I'm thinking of bringing RoboRally to the table as the main event for that evening, and then having a couple of filler games as warm-ups. Not sure whether it would be better to start earlier or not.

=I would think that it would be logical to assume that if you have a primary instrument that generates a large amount of numerical data, and that primary instrument is teetering on the verge of death, you should have a secondary instrument, and said secondary instrument should have a computer interface to keep you from having to manually enter every single damn bit of data that said secondary instrument would generate. Now, should said secondary instrument be a brand new arrival, I could maybe understand how that interface was not immediately established. When said secondary instrument has been in place for over a month, I have no real idea how it never got done. Just sayin...

=After nights like I had at work yesterday, I understand why there are no windows in the lab. To keep me from jumping.


1 comment:

Nikki said...

I actually have an answer for you in regards to the secondary instruments interface. The interface on the secondary instrument would probably have cost them at least $10,000. They would not want to waste that type of money on an analyzer that is only going to be a secondary for a short time. Now the above answer only works if they indeed did by another instrument that is now going to be a secondary instrument. If that is the case, the company the new intruments were purchased from would pay for those new interfaces. If they did not purchase a secondary instrument and plan on using the current secondary instrument indefinately... well then they are just too cheep to bother with an interface that may only be used sporatically. I need to transfer into the IT department, that's where all the money is!! Stoker was the smart one! Hell, I should call Stoker, Orchard Software has a corporate office in Carmel Indiana, time to upgrade :o)