Sunday, June 8, 2008

MBT from 6-25-7

Monday, June 25, 2007

Book Review: "The Historian"

The annoying part about trying to review this book is trying to not use words like "rich", "lavish", and "engrossing". All of these buzzwords are plastered all over the book as snippets of reviews from far and wide. So, I feel compelled to not use them. But, at the same time, they all apply. About all I can do is this: it's a really really really really really good book. If you happen to be a vampire geek, you can throw in an awesome or two to the above review. The only stumbling points for some people may be all the foreign place names, but it's set in Europe, so get over it. And it's not that I was being compelled by some vampiric spell and couldn't put it down, but I really didn't want to. And even though there will be legions who will rise up against me, shaking their fists in the air, the end was the best part. Go get this one, it's out now in paperback.

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