Sunday, June 8, 2008

MBT from 8-6-7

Monday, August 06, 2007


She had hoped it would go away, but the margarine only made it slippery and salty. She tried the hotline number and was told very curtly by a native Albanian there were no refunds if it happened within 7.57623 light years of Rigel 7. When she talked to the Shriners, they seemed to be greatly indifferent to her offer of donating to their bi-weekly shovel and concrete fund raiser. The couple who ran the Chinese hot dog stand hurled knockwurst at her when she came within distance. Jerry poked it with a fork a couple of times and shrugged. It smelled vaguely of popcorn and shellfish. The neighbor's parrot, James Ellington Snuffleworth Maddington Excelsior Watson Cambridge III, had nipped at it and then promptly threw up on the lady giving the Tupperware party. A riot had broken out at the local college when it was found out that the local Boy Scouts had discovered a way to raise the dead using carrots, poison ivy, and a few Popsicle sticks. Shortly after that, it fell off, and she found it behind the filing cabinet covered in dust and glitter. Jerry came over and poked it with a fork again. She put a gumdrop and a Band-Aid next to it in case it got lonely. The cat came home from Alabama and promptly started doing differential calculus equations on his I-pod. Jerry poked himself with a fork. He discovered he didn't much care for it and spent the next 29 hours rubbing a small piece of maroon velvet against his great aunt Conchita. She wandered down to the bus stop to see if the Cambodian dwarf who sold the pina coladas was there. Her cousin Merle said she had gone to Chicago to hurl typewriters off the Sears Tower to protest the abuse of potatoes. 'Arf' she said.

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